Creative economy

Kateryna Zaslavska head of Kyiv office

 First world countries have long been moving toward the creative and cultural industries. UK’s fashion industry generates more income than the automotive industry and steel production, while the US economy makes more money from selling art and culture products than from the construction industry and mining.

Our dream is to help turn the Ukrainian art market into a transparent and efficient system, abandoned factories and plants - into creative spaces and innovation parks.

ILF is a team of lawyers and consultants for rapidly developing representatives of cultural and creative industries: curators, designers, artists, musicians, fashion designers, architects and other generators of creative products, as well as for those who work on these products, who fund and buy them - investors, art managers, gallery owners, collectors and other members of the ecosystem.

We talk about creative economy and the opportunities it presents for business, society and regions on our YouTube channel.



clients in 2015-2018


projects in 2015-2018

Our services

 If you’re looking to sell your product (picture, book, mural, board or video game, etc.), to make it public, find investors or join a crowdfunding platform, we can help you protect your creative product in negotiations with contractors and in documents, both in Ukraine and abroad.

If you’ve decided to rebuild an abandoned factory or garage and open a coworking office, cultural center or club in their place, we can provide legal support for the building’s revitalization process, from the land audit to the opening day.

If you’re about to start a project with several partners, organize an exhibition/festival or attract investors, we will tell you how best to formalize relations between all project participants and protect your interests in the process.

We have a large pool of contacts among representatives of cultural and creative industries in Ukraine and far beyond its borders, and we can show you how to find partners for your project.





Feb. 9, 2021
Kateryna Zaslavska
Kateryna Zaslavska
Елементи успішної ревіталізації заводів, і чому це не тільки про бізнес

Вже кілька десятиліть в світі  вирує тренд переосмислення старих і занедбаних будівель. На місці непривабливих заводів і фабрик, користь від яких вже давно була вичерпана, постають креативні простори, музеї, бари і ресторани, житло. Це явище має назву "ревіталізація", і воно стало важливим елементом стратегії розвитку сучасного міста. Знамениті Газометри у Відні і галерея "Тейт-модерн" в Лондоні, ландшафтний парк "Дуйсбург-Норд" в Німеччині та арт-інкубатор "Фабрика мистецтв" в Лодзі - приклади ревіталізації, кожен з яких є по-своєму унікальним і автентичним. Україні також дісталася велика спадщина для ревіталізації, особливо від російської імперії та СРСР. Але постає важливе питання: чи готові ми використовувати її ефективно?

March 21, 2019
Kateryna Zaslavska
Kateryna Zaslavska
Arsen Buchkovskii
Arsen Buchkovskii
Banksy, Hamlet and street art. How to protect your mural

 Modern art is everywhere these days. When going out in the morning, you can easily stumble on a graffiti of a gorilla in a pink mask painted on the walls, which could simply turn out to be a creation of some unrecognized genius from next door - or Banksy himself.

May 16, 2018
Kateryna Zaslavska
Kateryna Zaslavska
Transforming a factory into a cultural hub: where to begin?

Transformation of industrial buildings into useful objects has been going on for decades in the world, but for Ukraine it’s still a new thing. Where should you start to turn an abandoned building into something interesting and necessary?